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Welcome RHA painting student. Here is the material the Painting Class on Wednesday 18th 

I recommend you download this stuff on your laptop or desktop - not your phone as these PDFs are large - sometimes bigger than 50MBs

Note: this link is not for distribution to the general public - this is a private communication from me, your tutor to you, my student. Please respect that - thank you. Ok cool - to continue:

Click on this image to download the PDF of the PAINTING  slideshow (23MB)

Here is an image of the kind of stage your painting of apples should get to - rough and generalised - simplest thing is to use a largish brush throughout - say the size of your little finger. Resist using a smaller one until you have to. Try to paint over the edges of things - the paint must overlap. 

Don’t forget to photograph it so you can use that image on your phone as reference in next weeks class. 

Here are the instructions to make a colour chart - in this case a zorn colour chart

- but replace with Cadmium Yellow Light, Ultramarine Blue and Burnt Sienna for a limited landscape Palette 

(or another combination of three colours if you like later)

You can download this chart for your reference and watch the videos below for a reminder:

Here is a PDF description of  how to paint like John Singer Sargent - 

Click the image to download

sounds easy when you read it here. Remember it relies on extremely good drawing and terrific colour value judgement and in tone and value. Simple. 

Here are PDFs of some useful books 

Click the image to download

The Emma Pearce book is the best most succinct handbook available. Support her and buy it here for your studio - you will not regret it.

Virgil Elliots book is also one of the best I have found and describes how all different techniques are achieved in oils - Flemish, Venetian and Bougereau 

You can buy it here  and support the author

Below is BLUE AND YELLOW Don’t make Green by Michael Wilcox as a PDF His colour mixing theory in this seminal book was an absolute game changer for me back in 2001. 

I have been using his theory and his limited palette paints ever since. 

Read the first 35 pages of blue and Yellow Don’t make green and your colour mixing will never look back. 

His subsequent book Glazing expands on the ideas and has very useful information about oil paints and every sort of Medium and technique


Unfortunately I think his company is now defunct and he has retired so everything is out of stock on his website 

School of but you can still buy Glazing the book here. 

I highly recommend it

Here are the colours he recommends in this PDF below - There are only really six plus yellow ochre and maybe raw umber. I have used only these 8 colours for my entire career. And Titanium white. 

When you open the PDF you can click on the colour name  and it is a link that will bring you to Evans Art Supplies in Dublin. I have done a lot of research to get the same colours as Michael’s original ones